Friday, 25 November 2011

#10 | Beware Of False Prophets Release.

               Our latest EP - "Beware Of False Prophets"- is now available for free download on SoundCloud! Please Listen, Download and Share!

Direct link:

Individual Track Downloads:

Chief Executive Officer




False Prophets

We hope you enjoy our latest record, and we thank you for your continued support.
As always, stay on board... there's more to come.

Thursday, 22 September 2011

#9 | Back. To. School.

Good morning/ Good evening (Whenever you are reading this...)

As the shows grow closer and closer we are continuing to promote them in Every way we can.
This includes doing lunchtime shows at Parrenthorn High School today and on the 30th September (which is also the day of the Manchester gig).

at these shows...

We are also recording a video of our day. So you too can witness the boring lives of Stellas Marconi.


Stella Marconi.

Wednesday, 17 August 2011

#8 | A small update...

Good Evenings,
                       We seem to have struck a small problem in our journey home, a small Iceberg in the atlantic.... seems the mix of the latest record will take a while longer than we anticipated. But fear not, here's some readings to keep you entertained until we return. 


Quote: 'One of the greatest up and coming bands.'


Quote: 'This blogging racket can be pretty stressful. People email you with their stuff, trump it up as the second coming, then it hits my earsballs and the whole thing falls apart. That's why when someone writes me to say they've discovered "the biggest teenage indie music sensation to hit the music scene since Dave Grohl picked up a pair of drum sticks.... and met a certain Mr Cobain," I'm just a tad suspicious of what might lay behind that dreaded play button. But, to my surprise Stella Marconi are the real deal.' 

We'd like to thank everyone for their continued support, with special thanks to TheUnsignedDaily and Cyphreinc Podcasts.

As Always, Stay On Board.

Thursday, 11 August 2011

#7 | The Indecent And Stella Marconi - UK SHOW POSTERS!

        Below are the posters for our Manchester and London shows with The Indecent and Kirsty Almeida!




More updates to follow soon,
As always, stay on board.

Sunday, 31 July 2011

#6 | Time To Pick Up The Pace.

           The past week has been a tale of overcoming the trials and tribulations that we face as a band, as young people, and as friends. It's seen two photoshoots, a day long studio session, countless hours of listening and altering sounds, and things that we're not even going to delve into. But enough of the melancholy shit, let's get down to business.

We performed the shoots in two separate locations: one in the centre of Manchester and one in Prestwich Clough and the surrounding areas, to attain different styles of photography, and to try out our ideas for our forthcoming EP/Record ...... the mixing is finally nearly complete - I know you've heard us say this before, but this time, IT REALLY IS NEARLY COMPLETE! We're all incredibly excited at camp Stella to show it off, but when will it be released you ask? .....
                                               Hmm...... you'll have to wait and see.

There are more developments on the horizon, beginning tomorrow morning.... something to do with a Label?

As always, stay aboard the ship.


Stella Marconi + The Indecent + Kirsty Almeida @ O2 ACADEMY2 ISLINGTON LONDON goes on sale TOMORROW @ 9AM Here:


What we've been listening to:
Massive Attack - Inertia Creeps

Thursday, 28 July 2011

#5 | Biography, Summer 2011.

The ship it ventured forth to lands anew.... fresh easterlies fanning the burgeoning sails, as the bubbling wake emanated from the ships nosed dolphins surfing on the breaking crests

Oh well we can all dream..... the Stella Marconi journey continues.... with inspired vigour

Recent time in the studio laying down new tracks for the onward leg of the journey.New friendships and compatriotst
o share our voyage of discovery....We proudly announce the fact that the incredible prodigious talent that is 'The Indecent' from New York USA, signed to Warner Brothers Records,are coming over to the UK, as a joint enterprise to perform at the Academy 3 in Manchester and The Academy 2 Islington London.....

- Manchester 30 September 2011
- London 01 October 2011

..... and joining this escapade of merriment ...Ms Kirsty Almeida... a songstress supreme....with unbounded talent... on the cusp of great things

Our amazing new EP.... as yet untitled and at the time of writing this, unmixed, will break new boundaries for your listening pleasure providing voyeuristic delectation for your ear drums and certain areas of your brain that you thought only certain beers could reach...... a treasure trove of tunage that 
Long John Silver would sell his parrot for....

Write it firmly in your diary/iphone/ ipad/computer/old piece of paper you put in your handbag/ that old lottery ticket that you never realised had won a tenner/your hand ( although you won't be able to wash for a few months)..... even on your plaster cast ( yes you who tripped over on the kerb after one too many)......




The sea may be rough at times, the rollers crashing onto the jagged rocks, (metaphor for dreadful dross on the music scene incase you missed the irony) ..... Get aboard the good ship 'Stella' for a safe steerage to that promised land of ground breaking edgy indie, with a penchant for shear entertainment pleasure.

Wills got Kate.... Harry got a JD and a splif.... and a night in Chelsea..... Andew got an all expenses fortnight on a £40 million yacht off a dodgy geezer, so did Beatrice and Henry Poncemby Smythe...The Queen stroked her Corgi....Prince Philip smiled..... 

And You got ....'Stella Marconi' .... the only band to get the royal leg tapping and put a bass line through the corridors of Buckingham Palace.... As Princess Eugene was heard to say one morning whilst picking at her breakfast kipper...' That Stella Marconi.... they really are jolly immense'.... 

Enjoy... you know you will...!!!!!!

- Promoted by Stein and Mayweather Promotions

Please vote for the video above!

Friday, 22 July 2011

#4 | The Indecent And Stella Marconi, UK Shows! *Announcement*

Guten Tag!
                We are incredibly pleased to announce that Stella Marconi will be supporting 'The Indecent', of New York, USA, on their inaugural shows in the UK! The shows, in Manchester and London, are as follows:

Manchester Academy 3 Friday 30th September
Tickets available here:

O2 Academy2 Islington - Saturday 1st October
Tickets available soon from:

Support comes from special guest, 'Kirsty Almeida'.


The artist's webpages are as follows:

The Indecent

Kirsty Almeida


And of course, you can keep up to date with us here:

More developments as they happen, so stay aboard!

#3.3 | Buried Deep In The Ground.

         The treasure... is taking a while longer than expected to be pulled to the surface. So we've decided to extend our stay in the Studio. 

We're nearing completion, and we're now onto the final stages of mixing. Wednesday saw a 12 hour mammoth session of vocals and mixing, so we're waiting until early next week to go back and finish off our work. We hope to make it all available to you all soon.

We have a whole host of photo's to share:
Day 3 @ Blueroom Studios:
Day 2 @ Blueroom Studios:

Here's a selection to preview:



We would like to thank Louis Cyphre and his Podcast Cyphreinc for his continued support and great work. Please vote for the podcast in the European Podcast Awards here, along with his feature video, featuring our song, 'One Off Free', as it's soundtrack:

@cyphreinc - Twitter


Mike's new message.

Big news to follow shortly, so stay aboard.

What we've been listening to:
Joy Division - Transmission

Tuesday, 19 July 2011

#3.2 | The Final Voyage.

Good Evening,
                       Sunday saw a long day at the studio, leaving all involved completely shattered. It's only now, on the eve of the final day of the expedition, that we've found the energy to write.

We spent Sunday morning overlaying some final guitar tracks and recording an entirely new track, created there and then in the studio. A spark of inspiration set the idea alight, and before we knew it, we had formulated a song. The day concluded with the near completion of the vocals.

WE GO SEARCHING FOR THE TREASURE AT SUNRISE........ we mean......... we start the final mixing session early tomorrow. You should see some new tunage on your horizons soon.

Until then, here's a selection of photographs from the second day at the studio, credits to Raven Wakefield. 

Mike's Adventures Continue....
We also have some immense news coming in the next few days so,
Stay Aboard,

What we've been listening to:
The Kinks- Apeman

Saturday, 16 July 2011

#3.1 | Captain's Log - Exploration Day.

        After a long day's hard graft, we have finally come across the treasure that the prophecy foretold. It has surfaced in the form of a sweaty afternoon, creating music. We hope soon that we can share these delights with you all. In simpler terms: Drums, Bass and Guitars completed... with the addition of a chinese frog, and a tambourine

We overlay our vocals tomorrow. We hope they'll suffice after these beers...

Until then, you can view our first gallery of photos from the studio here, exclusive to this blog. They're not the best photos, but better ones will follow tomorrow.

Stay Aboard,

P.S. We would like to personally thank The Unsigned Daily for the consecutive features on their website. We're very glad to have you aboard. Here's a link to their pages:

@UnsignedPodcast - Twitter

The Morning Brew:

What we've been listening to:
Interpol - Evil

Friday, 15 July 2011

#2 | We are signed!!!

           The sea has calmed with the addition of a new ship to our fleet- GrooveWiggle Records (an Independent Record Label). We are thrilled to have been given the opportunity to be part of this new and exciting venture, which will provide us with a platform from which to further progress. We intend to sign to GrooveWiggle Records within the coming weeks. Many thanks Daniel Thomas and Mark Byrne.

We're currently docked.... waiting to set sail to the studio tomorrow morning. The drums are skinned, the guitars are strung, and there are more updates to follow - so stay aboard the ship.


Please join and like the GrooveWiggle Records Page:

Also, Independent Music News:

In the meantime, here's what we've been listening to:
Spiderman - Ramones

Wednesday, 13 July 2011

#1 | We feel rough.

               We will soon embark on an epic voyage and sail across the Stella seas... to bring you new music and a whole assortment of little fancies. From the story of a young boys youth.... to a girls heartache.... to the telling of the end of the world. Incase you're wondering what the hell we're on about, we're going in the studio this weekend.

We will be blogging our progress and other developments as they happen. We have some news of universal proportions next week, so stay aboard the ship. 

We welcome you back,

P.S. In the meantime, here's what we've been listening to:
Foster The People- Pumped Up Kicks