Thursday 28 July 2011

#5 | Biography, Summer 2011.

The ship it ventured forth to lands anew.... fresh easterlies fanning the burgeoning sails, as the bubbling wake emanated from the ships nosed dolphins surfing on the breaking crests

Oh well we can all dream..... the Stella Marconi journey continues.... with inspired vigour

Recent time in the studio laying down new tracks for the onward leg of the journey.New friendships and compatriotst
o share our voyage of discovery....We proudly announce the fact that the incredible prodigious talent that is 'The Indecent' from New York USA, signed to Warner Brothers Records,are coming over to the UK, as a joint enterprise to perform at the Academy 3 in Manchester and The Academy 2 Islington London.....

- Manchester 30 September 2011
- London 01 October 2011

..... and joining this escapade of merriment ...Ms Kirsty Almeida... a songstress supreme....with unbounded talent... on the cusp of great things

Our amazing new EP.... as yet untitled and at the time of writing this, unmixed, will break new boundaries for your listening pleasure providing voyeuristic delectation for your ear drums and certain areas of your brain that you thought only certain beers could reach...... a treasure trove of tunage that 
Long John Silver would sell his parrot for....

Write it firmly in your diary/iphone/ ipad/computer/old piece of paper you put in your handbag/ that old lottery ticket that you never realised had won a tenner/your hand ( although you won't be able to wash for a few months)..... even on your plaster cast ( yes you who tripped over on the kerb after one too many)......




The sea may be rough at times, the rollers crashing onto the jagged rocks, (metaphor for dreadful dross on the music scene incase you missed the irony) ..... Get aboard the good ship 'Stella' for a safe steerage to that promised land of ground breaking edgy indie, with a penchant for shear entertainment pleasure.

Wills got Kate.... Harry got a JD and a splif.... and a night in Chelsea..... Andew got an all expenses fortnight on a £40 million yacht off a dodgy geezer, so did Beatrice and Henry Poncemby Smythe...The Queen stroked her Corgi....Prince Philip smiled..... 

And You got ....'Stella Marconi' .... the only band to get the royal leg tapping and put a bass line through the corridors of Buckingham Palace.... As Princess Eugene was heard to say one morning whilst picking at her breakfast kipper...' That Stella Marconi.... they really are jolly immense'.... 

Enjoy... you know you will...!!!!!!

- Promoted by Stein and Mayweather Promotions

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